Why Become A Breast Milk Donor?
A human breast milk donor is a mother whom, of various reasons, have a higher production of breast milk than needed. She can choose to donate the excess milk to hospitals or milk banks, as long as she passes the screening for approved donor.
Breast milk is especially important for sick children or premature infants. The breast milk contains important nutrients and immune substances that can protect the child against infections. It can also develop and mature the immune system and the central nervous system. Due to various reasons, some mothers are unable to offer their own breast milk to their children - these children can be dependent on donor milk for a shorter or longer period of time to get the help they need.
Unfortunately, at times, there is limited access to breast milk in the milk banks. Therefore, more donors are needed. The breast milk from milk banks are highly valued by the children who need it, and their parents. It´s a nutritious meal no formula or sugar water can replace. If you are breastfeeding and have some milk to spare, consider donating it to a milk bank. Your breast milk could be the medicine that a premature baby needs.
Being a breast milk donor can be just as important as being a blood donor. You can save lives. Every drop counts.
Anue Siipp is compatible with most breast pumps on the marked.
How does Anue contribute to more motivated donors?
Anue has created a packaging solution for collecting, storaging, testing and distribution of breast milk. The Anue Siipp (pouch) have a solution that stores the milk in the same container from donor to recipient without any risk of crosstamination. The pouch is highly motivating for donors - as the pouch can be attached directly to most pumps on the market, so you can pump straight into the pouch. It takes up less space in the freezer or in a bag, and the chances of spilling are minimal due to the smart closing cap. The pouch has a beautiful design, which makes it more fun for donors to fill compared to most solutions used for donating breast milk today. It´s also a one-time use only product, for hygienic reasons - this saves the donors from having to clean the containers after use.
Anue Siipp, a clean, delicate, hygienic and easy-to-use pouch, with a test sample of breast milk in the pipette.
Are you interested in becoming a breast milk donor?
Contact your local milk bank.
Sources: ammehjelpen.no, nationwidechildrens.org