Anue Concept Kit
For breastmilk donation
Anue Concept Kit is an new innovative collect, storage, test and distribution packaging for breast milk. Specially designed to simplify breastmilk donation, minimize handling and significally reduce waste of breast milk.
From the time the milk is pumped until it is administered, there is much less chance of contamination compared to the storage solutions most used today. Employees in milk banks find that they spend much less time on the milk samples, and there is less spillage and wastage of milk.
The mothers who gives milk (the donors) have also exclusively given good feedback, they all agree that Anue Concept is a quality product. It is more hygienic, takes up less space and time-saving.
Anue Concept Kit includes the Anue Siipp pouch, the Anue ENFit Dosing Cap, the Anue Pipette and the Anue ENFit Universal Lid. Anue Concept Kit is an new innovative collect, storage, test and distribution packaging for breast milk. Specially designed to simplify breastmilk donation, minimize handling and significally reduce waste of breast milk.